Competitions and awards are a fantastic way to show employers just what you can do.

Whether it's a chance to get an innovative business idea off the ground, study abroad or secure funding for the internship of a lifetime, it's a great way to stand out from the crowd.

Below you will find a selection of various challenges and awards. These are listed in alphabetical order so please be sure to check each item for specific dates and deadlines.

If you wish to search for further awards or scholarships, please log into JobsLive, click on 'Find a vacancy' and filter the Vacancy type by 'Studentships, scholarships & awards'.

Competitions, Surveys and Awards

Develop Phase of Panacea Stars

A fantastic opportunity for science-entrepreneurs has arrived!

Applications are now open for the Develop Phase of Panacea Stars, which enables early-stage deep science founders to de-risk and fund their start-up, whilst competing for a prize worth £100k!

Register now to apply for this great opportunity!

Imperial Award

Want to earn an official extra from Imperial on your graduation transcript? Do you want recognition for your employer-friendly attributes? Then the Imperial Award is for you.

Open to all current students (and designed with input from the Careers Service), the Imperial Award gives you a completely private online portfolio to use as a diary or journal. The interactive journal lets you identify your best evidence to enhance your CV and, if you wish, to back up your claim to the assessors (one page of writing). The assessors give written, individual feedback. Multiple assessment periods are offered.

Why? College wants you to develop and rehearse the reflective self-awareness that employers seek from graduates and College is willing to recognise it, formally.

Simply register by logging in with your College username and password, click on ‘guidance’ to watch the promo video and read the Student Guidance pack [pdf], which contains all the information you need to start working towards the Imperial Award. Once you've registered, you’ll hear from the Award team about upcoming workshops and further guidance to support your progress. 

It is free, has immediate benefits, runs all year and could enhance your official transcript.

Find out more here at the Imperial Award webpage. 

Imperial Global Challenge Lab

Join hundreds of students from across the world for an online hackathon tackling the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and win a share of a £10,000 prize fund!

This year's Global Challenge Lab will be taking place online from Wednesday 3 - Tuesday 16 July.

You can grow your international network, gain new skills and create new ideas around Sustainable Cities and Communities and Climate Action. Students from all disciplinary backgrounds are encouraged to join – no technical skills are required!

For more information and to register, head to the Global Challenge Lab website. Registrations must be submitted by Saturday 15 June.

L'Oréal Brandstorm

Brandstorm is an international innovation competition organized every year by L'Oréal that has brought together ambitious students from all over the world. The competition gives students the chance to tackle a real business case, gain new skills, exchange with industry experts and have an unforgettable experience.

Sounds cool? Follow the steps and join the challenge:

  1. Build an amazing team of 3 students, register via the official competition website and start your journey.
  2. Come up with the most innovative idea, pitch it during the regional final in you country and win!
  3. Represent your country during the International Final among students from all over the world and have a chance to win it all!

For more information, please visit the official L'Oréal Brandstorm competition website.

targetjobs Undergraduate of the Year Awards

The targetjobs Undergraduate of the Year Awards is an annual competition aimed at finding the best undergraduates in the UK. There are 12 awards, each partnered by an employer who provides a fantastic prize for the winner, which could include a paid internship, a trip abroad or other exclusive opportunities.

Applications have now closed for this academic year. Please check back in the Autumn Term for the new round of awards.

UBS Stock Pitch Competition

The UBS Stock Pitch Competition is back!

This is a great opportunity for any penultimate year students interested in a career in asset management, and keen to grow their understanding of today's complex investment landscape.

Your challenge is to identify and pitch a stock investment that'll be more valuable in the future than it is today. Not only could you win up to £2500 but you'll also have the chance to jumpstart your career and connect with industry experts in the UBS asset management team.

What’s the process?

  • May: Join an info sessions to learn more
  • September: Submit your investment idea
  • October: Finalists will be invited to the investor competition finals in our London office and compete for a chance to win cash prizes!