Information and Booking

Trainer: Madiha Sajid, POD
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration: 2 hours (10:00-12:00)
Format: Online or In Person (See details below)
10 June - In Person

Accessibility: Please notify us of any requirements you may have in the "Special Instructions" box on ICIS.

Booking - for managers via ICIS


Supervision is one form of support, but support goes beyond just that. The role of managers in supporting staff preparing for parental or adoption leave or returning from long-term absence is crucial in ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining a positive work environment. This 2-hour session aims to equip managers with the skills and knowledge required to support specific staff groups with any needs, for example, staff planning maternal/parental/adoption leave or returning from leave to work after a prolonged absence, or requesting sickness leave.

The session will help them understand specific Imperial policies and local procedures in place that need to be followed.

Who is it for?

This module is relevant to any manager supporting the above staff groups.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the session, participants will have

  • Developed a better understanding of the support needs of the staff groups that they are responsible for
  • Information and knowledge about Imperial specific policies
  • An opportunity to explore common challenges with others
  • Dedicated time to discuss specific queries with colleagues from HR & Employee Relations team