We are running the next COXIC (joint Oxford/Imperial seminar) on the 7th of December from 2-5pm as a virtual event.

The COXIC events are oriented towards themes in networks and complex systems and are a venue for younger scientists and also allow the presentation of early-stage work. The provisional schedule is

2-3pm: Contributed Talks
3-3.40pm: Networking Session in small groups
3.40-4pm: Break
4-5pm: Contributed Talks
5pm: Virtual Pub

We would particularly welcome younger speakers as this is intended to be an informal and constructive event — talks will be short 15/20 minutes.

**If you would like to attend, please fill in this form ideally until the 20th of November so we can gauge numbers, organise the networking session, and send you the zoom link before the event. If you are interested to speak, you can also submit a talk under the same link. Notification of acceptance of talks will be sent until the 25th of November.**

If you should have any questions, please contact Florian Klimm under fklimm@ic.ac.uk

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