Unissued diplomas

12.00: Official opening by Professor Franklin Allen, Dean, Imperial College Business School

The Unissued Diplomas exhibition sweeps globally, honouring 40 Ukrainian students killed by Russia’s 2022 invasion. With over 100 exhibitions worldwide, it reminds of war’s devastating toll. Imperial College Business School hosts its own exhibition at South Kensington Campus. This profound display commemorates fallen students, carrying hope and resilience. It aims to invest in Ukraine’s future by supporting Ukrainian students, honour the deceased, and contribute to rebuilding efforts. A powerful reminder of war’s human cost and the importance of support.


Professor Franklin Allen, Dean of Business School,
Mr. Danil Zadorozhnyi, Ukrainian Student Society
Dr. Daniel Bromley, Casus Pax Group
Yuriy and student Professor and student at Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic University

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