Imperial College London

Dr Bryn Davies

Faculty of Natural SciencesDepartment of Mathematics

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow



bryn.davies Website




Huxley BuildingSouth Kensington Campus





Bryn Davies is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in the Applied Mathematics & Mathematical Physics Section of the Department of Mathematics. He is an applied analyst whose research establishes rigorous mathematical solutions for fundamental problems in wave physics. He uses techniques from the spectral theory, analysis of PDEs and asymptotic methods to study wave propagation in complex media and to inform the design of experimental setups. He has developed theory for applications including topological waveguides, high-contrast nano-particles, enhanced sensors and bio-inspired metamaterials. 

At Imperial College, Bryn works in the Waves group led by Prof. Richard Craster. Before moving to Imperial College, Bryn was based at ETH Zurich where he worked in the group of Prof. Habib Ammari.

UK Metamaterials Network

Bryn acts as co-lead of the Modelling and AI-Design special interest group of the UK Metamaterials Network.



Ammari H, Barandun S, Cao J, et al., 2024, Mathematical Foundations of the Non-Hermitian Skin Effect, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol:248, ISSN:0003-9527

Davies B, Morini L, 2024, Super band gaps and periodic approximants of generalised Fibonacci tilings, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol:480, ISSN:1364-5021

Davies B, Lou Y, 2024, Landscape of wave focusing and localization at low frequencies, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol:152, ISSN:0022-2526, Pages:760-777

Ammari H, Davies B, Hiltunen EO, 2024, Anderson localization in the subwavelength regime, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol:405, ISSN:0010-3616

Ammari H, Davies B, Hiltunen EO, 2023, Convergence rates for defect modes in large finite resonator arrays, Siam Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Vol:55, ISSN:0036-1410, Pages:7616-7634

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