Imperial College London


Faculty of Natural SciencesDepartment of Mathematics

Research Associate in Metamaterial Physics, Computation and



m.touboul Website




6m11Huxley BuildingSouth Kensington Campus





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7 results found

Touboul M, Cotterill PA, Nigro D, Parnell WJet al., 2022, Enhanced elastodynamic resonance via co-dipole metaclusters, Applied Physics Letters, Vol: 121, ISSN: 0003-6951

<jats:p>Metamaterials exploit sub-wavelength microstructures to yield novel macroscopic material properties. Recently, the notion of a metacluster has emerged, which is a collection of resonators that interact in order to modify and possibly enhance the resonance. They can also be employed to modify and tune the far-field scattered response. This is particularly important with regard to metamaterial design. In the context of elastodynamics, Cotterill et al. [Proc. R. Soc. A 478(2263), 20220026 (2022)] considered the case of void metaclusters, thus permitting the modification of the so-called giant monopole resonance in elastodynamics. Here, we consider one of the original resonant configurations of metamaterial science in Liu et al. [Science 289, 1734 (2000)]; this structure consists of coated cylinders of circular cross section and gives rise to a strong dipole resonance for sufficiently soft coatings. We consider the nature of the interaction of two such identical resonators in close proximity, which we term the co-dipole metacluster. We show that, contrary to the giant monopole case, the frequency at which the resonance occurs is unchanged as compared to a single resonator. The amplitude of the resonance itself is enhanced significantly, however, by up to 5.7 times the enhancement observed when considering two non-interacting resonators. Furthermore, although the nature of the resonance remains dominated by a dipole response, both the enhancement and the far-field scattered response are now significantly affected by the incidence angle, in contrast to the single resonator.</jats:p>

Journal article

Cornaggia R, Touboul M, Bellis C, 2022, FFT-based computation of homogenized interface parameters, Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Vol: 350, Pages: 297-307

Journal article

Touboul M, Gao X, Lombard B, 2021, Damping in a row of locally-resonant inclusions: Dynamic homogenization and scattering of transient shear waves, Wave Motion, Vol: 107, Pages: 102811-102811, ISSN: 0165-2125

Journal article

Bellis C, Lombard B, Touboul M, Assier Ret al., 2021, Effective dynamics for low-amplitude transient elastic waves in a 1D periodic array of non-linear interfaces, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol: 149, Pages: 104321-104321, ISSN: 0022-5096

Journal article

Assier RC, Touboul M, Lombard B, Bellis Cet al., 2020, High-frequency homogenization in periodic media with imperfect interfaces, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol: 476, ISSN: 1364-5021

<jats:p> In this work, the concept of high-frequency homogenization is extended to the case of one-dimensional periodic media with imperfect interfaces of the spring-mass type. In other words, when considering the propagation of elastic waves in such media, displacement and stress discontinuities are allowed across the borders of the periodic cell. As is customary in high-frequency homogenization, the homogenization is carried out about the periodic and antiperiodic solutions corresponding to the edges of the Brillouin zone. Asymptotic approximations are provided for both the higher branches of the dispersion diagram (second-order) and the resulting wave field (leading-order). The special case of two branches of the dispersion diagram intersecting with a non-zero slope at an edge of the Brillouin zone (occurrence of a so-called Dirac point) is also considered in detail, resulting in an approximation of the dispersion diagram (first-order) and the wave field (zeroth-order) near these points. Finally, a <jats:italic>uniform approximation</jats:italic> valid for both Dirac and non-Dirac points is provided. Numerical comparisons are made with the exact solutions obtained by the Bloch–Floquet approach for the particular examples of monolayered and bilayered materials. In these two cases, convergence measurements are carried out to validate the approach, and we show that the uniform approximation remains a very good approximation even far from the edges of the Brillouin zone. </jats:p>

Journal article

Touboul M, Pham K, Maurel A, Marigo J-J, Lombard B, Bellis Cet al., 2020, Effective Resonant Model and Simulations in the Time-Domain of Wave Scattering from a Periodic Row of Highly-Contrasted Inclusions, Journal of Elasticity, Vol: 142, Pages: 53-82, ISSN: 0374-3535

Journal article

Touboul M, Lombard B, Bellis C, 2020, Time-domain simulation of wave propagation across resonant meta-interfaces, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol: 414, Pages: 109474-109474, ISSN: 0021-9991

Journal article

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